
Welcome to Omni Global Labs

We are a Nutritional Supplement Company offering custom physician-formulated herbal and vitamin solutions with a focus on topical patch systems.

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Welcome to Omni Global Labs

We are a Nutritional Supplement Company offering custom physician-formulated herbal and vitamin solutions with a focus on topical patch systems.

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Welcome to Omni Global Labs

We are a Nutritional Supplement Company offering custom physician-formulated herbal and vitamin solutions with a focus on topical patch systems.

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Our Current Patch Products

Omni Global Labs offers a wide range of production capabilities for capsules, tablets, and powders to accommodate the expanding array of nutritional products entering the marketplace.

Rebound Flex Hangover Patch Rapid Releasee

30 Patches

Rebound Hangover Patch Flex, a variation of our original Rebound Classic, is specifically designed for dynamic evening engagements and high-energy events. Each pack comes with 30 patches, boasting an innovative EVA foam structure that enhances the delivery of its more concentrated formulation. This design results in a stronger, more potent effect tailored for shorter durations. Ideal for those who engage in lively, spirited activities, the Flex patch ensures an effective and rapid recovery, helping you to wake up feeling rejuvenated after an energetic night.

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Rebound Flex Hangover Patch Traveler Pack

6 Patches

Discover the Rebound Flex Hangover Patch Traveler Pack, your perfect solution for a night out. This compact pack includes 6 patches, offering the same potent formula and EVA foam structure as our original Flex Patch. Ideal for any single night adventure, it's designed for effective, rapid recovery. While it's coming soon to Amazon, you can grab it now at our webstore, reboundpartyrecovery.com. Whether you're out alone or with friends, the Traveler Pack ensures you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for what's next.

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Once Daily B12 Energy Patch

30 Patches

COMING SOON! The NEW Once Daily Energy B12 Patch from Omni Global Labs is a revolutionary approach to daily wellness and energy management. Currently under development for an enhanced patch system and formulation, this product is designed to provide a steady state release of key nutrients throughout the day. Each pack contains 30 patches, featuring a potent blend of ingredients including Vitamin B12, B Complex, Green Tea Extract, CoQ10, and Ginseng Extract. These components work synergistically to boost energy levels, support metabolic processes, and enhance overall vitality.

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Rebound Classic Hangover Patch Extended Release

30 Patches

Rebound Classic Hangover Patches, originally known as the Rebound Patch, are your ideal companion for easing post-party discomfort. Each pack contains 30 discreet white patches, specially designed for extended release, wear, and effectiveness. These patches utilize a unique blend of natural ingredients to combat the effects of a night out. Perfect for those who enjoy long-lasting celebrations, Rebound Classic Hangover Patches provide a steady release of its formula, helping you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Its skin-friendly adhesive ensures comfort and convenience, making it an essential addition to your party essentials.

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Sleep Better Sleep Aid Patch

30 Patches

Sleep Better Patch from Omni Global Labs, now upgraded for enhanced rest and wellness, is designed to support a deeper, more restful sleep. Made in the USA with comfortable EVA foam, this patch is infused with a soothing blend of Melatonin, Valerian Root, Chamomile, and other natural ingredients, all known for their natural sleep-enhancing properties. The patch's advanced design allows for a gentle, all-night release of these beneficial ingredients, aiding in improved sleep quality. Each pack comes with 30 sleep aid patches! Keep an eye out for the availability of these upgraded patches on Amazon, offering an easy and convenient way to purchase your path to better sleep.

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Omni Global Labs Hemp Patch

30 Patches

Discover the natural benefits of the Omni Hemp Patch, an innovative solution for everyday wellness. Each patch is expertly infused with 120mg of premium hemp oil, renowned for its nourishing properties. Designed for effortless application, these patches are perfect for areas with minimal hair, offering a discreet and comfortable experience. Our package includes 30 patches, each formulated to support your well-being and vitality. Incorporate the Omni Hemp Patch into your daily regimen for a balanced and rejuvenated approach to your day

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA of the United States. These products are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult with a physician if currently taking any medication, pregnant, breast feeding, or have a medical condition


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